
Your Legacy Is Our Future

For over 124 years, Denver Zoo has made an impact on animals and people. Together we can ensure Denver Zoo remains at the forefront of animal care, wildlife conservation, and education.

When you include a gift to Denver Zoo in your will or legacy plans, you will save wildlife for future generations.
clouded leopard staring out

Gifts That Cost You Nothing Now

a dazzle of zebras

Gifts that Pay You Income

sea lions playing with each other

Gifts that Reduce Your Taxes

Sample Language For Your Will

I hereby give [percentage, residuary share or specific amount or asset] to Denver Zoo, 2300 Steele Street, Denver, Colorado 80205.

Will and Beneficiary Designation

Ready to begin your legacy today? The Denver Zoo has partnered with FreeWill to make it easy for you to write your will and include a gift.

Legal Name

Denver Zoological Foundation


2300 Steele Street
Denver, Colorado 80205

Federal Tax ID Number


Let us know!

Please let us know if you’ve included a gift for Denver Zoo. We welcome you to join the Wildlife Heritage Society, a group of people like you who have included the Zoo in their long-term plans.

Headshot Josie Stewart

Need assistance? I’m here to help.

Josie Stewart
Gift Planning Manager

This information is not intended as legal, accounting, or other professional advice. For assistance in planning your legacy gift, please consult a lawyer and/or financial advisor for professional advice.