El mejor día en el zoológico de Denver

Just when you thought your day at Denver Zoo couldn’t get any better, it’s Best Day at the Zoo! We want to make sure everyone has the chance to experience all the awesomeness on our 84-acre campus. So, every day, we’ll be handing out Best Day Passes at random! 

Cada pase le da derecho al portador y a su tripulación* a disfrutar cada uno de CINCO experiencias increíbles sin cargo adicional.
cargo, cortesía de nuestros generosos patrocinadores. ¿Serás tú uno de los pocos afortunados?

Tu Best Day Pass incluye acceso
a las siguientes experiencias:


Stingray Cove™

Enjoy one of the Zoo’s most popular experiences: touching and feeding gentle stingrays, while small sharks glide peacefully by. Each member of your crew** will even get a piece of fish food to help you make some finny friends!  

Lorikeet Adventure

When you step into this magical, open-air aviary, you’ll immediately be surrounded by song. Colorful lorikeets (a small member of the parrot family) fly overhead, and may even land on your shoulder for a sip of nectar!

Lorikeet train

Ferrocarril del zoológico de Denver

As any kiddo (and quite a few adults) will surely tell you, no trip to the Zoo is complete without a ride on Denver Zoo Railroad, Presented by Union Pacific Railroad. This guest-favorite experience is wheelchair accessible. 

Carrusel de Conservación

Get ready to take a spin astride your favorite wild animal! Our beautiful, wheelchair-accessible Conservation Carousel features hand-carved representations of some of Denver Zoo’s most beloved residents-including tigers, giraffes and more. 

carousel 4D Theater

Experiencia 4-D

In our awesome interactive theater, built-in motion and special effects throughout the theater allow you to feel the action on the screen during each 15-minute experience. Accessibility devices for hearing and visually impaired guests are available. 

*Se deben presentar los Best Day Passes para acceder a las atracciones. Los pases no son transferibles, no tienen valor en efectivo, deben usarse el día en que se reciben y no pueden reemplazarse en caso de pérdida o robo.  

**tripulación eres tú + hasta 9 personas más

¡Muchas gracias a nuestros amigos y patrocinadores por hacer esto posible!

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