School Field Trips & Programs

Learn at the Zoo: Program Information

Check out the experiences held at Denver Zoo Conservation Alliance and learn how a free program can enhance your Zoo field trip!

  • Conservation Challenge: Rethink Your Rubbish

    “My students have been talking about the amount of trash our school produces, and they have been openly more conscientious. They are currently researching ways we can make changes.” – Teacher

    Centered on sustainability concepts, this project-based learning unit helps students explore human impacts on wildlife around the globe, and how their actions can make a difference. This program includes three different sessions:

    Session 1—Zoo Field Trip Launch: Students explore the Zoo at their own pace and interact with representatives from our Conservation Learning and Sustainability teams to learn how waste can impact wildlife around the globe.

    Session 2—School Visit: To help your students identify challenges that impact local wildlife, a Zoo educator comes to your school to support your students in conducting a waste audit. After the school visit, your students use the data collected during the waste audit to identify a solution to implement within their community.

    Session 3 (Optional)—Student Showcase at Denver Zoo Conservation Alliance: Students are invited back to the Zoo in May for the Student Conservation Showcase, where they can share with the community how they positively impacted their school’s sustainability efforts through implementation of their solution. This school year’s Student Conservation Showcase date will be Friday, May 2, 2025.

    BONUS: You’ll receive a free educator guide with everything you need to guide your students through this conservation challenge journey.


    Field Trip Check-in: 9:45-10:30; Program activities available 10-1

    Session 1, Zoo Field Trip launch dates (choose one):
    Friday, October 11, 2024
    Wednesday, November 6, 2024
    Thursday, January 30, 2025
    Wednesday, March 12, 2025

    Session 2, School Visit:
    We will custom schedule your school visit after your field trip launch date is scheduled and registration is completed. Expect to hear from us within a week of your initial registration.  

    Session 3, Student Conservation Showcase:
    Participating schools will receive a special invitation to register their students for the showcase in early 2025.

    FREE! All 2024 Conservation Challenge: Rethink Your Rubbish programs are free to schools in the SCFD seven-county Denver metro area, made possible through generous donations to our Access to Awe Scholarship Fund. Schools outside this area may participate on a limited basis, please contact us at to confirm availability and additional travel.

    When prompted to login, please create a DZCA account using your school email address. This should be separate from other affiliations you may have with DZCA.

    Registration closes 21 days prior to the event date.


    To apply for financial assistance for transportation, click here.

    • Programming

      Session 1—Zoo Field Trip Launch: Students explore the Zoo at their own pace and interact with representatives from the Zoo’s Conservation Learning and Sustainability teams to learn how waste can impact wildlife around the globe.

      Session 2—School Visit: To help your students identify challenges that impact local wildlife, a Zoo educator comes to your school to support your students in conducting a waste audit. After the school visit, your students use the data collected during the waste audit to identify a solution to implement within their community.

      Session 3 (Optional)—Student Showcase at Denver Zoo Conservation Alliance: Students are invited back to the Zoo in May for the Student Conservation Showcase, where they can share with the community how they positively impacted their school’s sustainability efforts through implementation of their solution. This school year’s Student Conservation Showcase date will be Friday, May 2, 2025.

      For questions about program content, please contact

    • Chaperones

      All chaperones who are included with your initial registration and enter with your group are free, thanks to generous support from donors to our Access to Awe fund. Chaperones who are not included in your order, or who arrive late, will need to purchase their own admission to enter the Zoo. All chaperones must enter the Zoo at the same time as their group. Late arrivals will be required to pay the full price of admission or use their Zoo memberships. Every school group visiting Denver Zoo must have at least one adult per 10 students, regardless of the students’ ages. Schools who do not bring at least one adult per 10 students will be charged the full price of admission. Please note, due to space and capacity, we may limit large groups to no more than five chaperones attending the program. Other adults can rejoin the group after the program.

      For at-school programming, an adult representative of the school must be present during the entirety of the program.

    • Reschedule + Cancellation

      Space in free programs is limited. In order to leave space for others in the school community, please attend the programs for which you register and let us know at least three weeks in advance of any change or cancellation. Moving to another date is contingent upon availability and may incur a nominal administrative fee.

      To cancel or transfer a program, please contact

  • Good Neighbors to Wildlife: Make it Safe

    Make It Safe (Birds & Migration)

    Good Neighbors to Wildlife programs help students discover what local species need to survive, learn techniques to help, and make a plan to positively impact wildlife in their community.

    When you sign up for Make It Safe, your class will be immersed in the journey of migration by navigating the helpful and hazardous situations that birds encounter. Students practice assessing the local environment and make a grade-appropriate plan to help the birds in their community. Other approaches to learning about migration just won’t fly!

    Available at the Zoo on select days in September, October, April and May for students in grades 5-12.

    Continue the learning beyond your visit!

    Good Neighbors to Wildlife can go beyond our Make it Safe program at the Zoo. Book our other program, Make it Bloom (Native Plants + Animals), where we COME TO YOU!

    This program is available at your school on select days in November, December, January and February for students in grades 5-9. See program information on our Zoo to You webpage.

    FREE! All 2024 Good Neighbors to Wildlife programs are free to schools, made possible through generous donations to our Access to Awe Scholarship Fund.

    At least 10 students must be present on the day of your field trip to run the program. If you have 60 or less students, please click the button below to register for this program and review current availability. If you have more than 60 students, please email to book! We may be able to accommodate groups of up to 120 students on select Fridays in April and May. When prompted to login, please create a DZCA account using your school email address. This should be separate from other affiliations you may have with DZCA.


    To apply for financial assistance for transportation, click here

    • Programming

      Immerse your class in the journey of migration by navigating the helpful and hazardous situations that birds encounter. Students practice assessing the local environment and make a grade-appropriate plan to help the birds in their community. Other approaches to learning about migration just won’t fly!

      Your booking includes one (1), 75 minute program for up to 30 students. If you have more than 30 but less than 60 students, please select a date where you can book two (2) programs. For questions about program content or to learn about large group options, please contact

    • Chaperones

      All chaperones who are included with your initial registration and enter with your group are free, thanks to generous support from donors to our Access to Awe fund. Chaperones who are not included in your order, or who arrive late, will need to purchase their own admission to enter the Zoo. All chaperones must enter the Zoo at the same time as their group. Late arrivals will be required to pay the full price of admission or use their Zoo memberships. Every school group visiting Denver Zoo must have at least one adult per 10 students, regardless of the students’ ages. Schools who do not bring at least one adult per 10 students will be charged the full price of admission. Please note, due to space and capacity, we may limit large groups to no more than five chaperones attending the program. Other adults can rejoin the group after the program.

    • Reschedule + Cancellation

      Space in our free programs is limited. In order to leave space for others in the school community, please attend the programs for which you register and let us know at least three weeks in advance of any change or cancellation. Moving to another date is contingent upon availability and may incur a nominal administrative fee.

      To cancel or transfer a program, please contact

  • Conservation Learning Zone

    Teachers, enhance your field trips with this NEW self-paced, drop-in, hands-on program designed to inspire collaboration, connection and conservation! Healthy habitats are important for both animals and people, especially in the spaces we share. Engaging with Zoo experts, your students will explore how they can help the birds, bugs, reptiles and amphibians in their very own neighborhoods.


    10:00a.m. to 12:30p.m. most Tuesdays through Thursdays in October, April and May.

    FREE! All 2024 Conservation Learning Zone programs are free to schools, made possible through generous donations to our Access to Awe Scholarship Fund.

    Click the button below to register for this program and review current availability. When prompted to login, please create a DZCA account using your school email address. This should be separate from other affiliations you may have with DZCA.

    Registration timelines vary. Most programs close 7 – 14 days prior to the event date.

    To apply for financial assistance for transportation, click here.

    • Programming

      While there is no fixed programming or time limit in the Conservation Learning Zone, estimated engagement is 30–45 minutes. Registration is required for access to the Zone and does NOT include Zoo admission; you will be prompted to add admission to your cart when you check out.

    • Chaperones

      All chaperones who are included with your initial registration and enter with your group are free, thanks to generous support from donors to our Access to Awe fund. Chaperones who are not included in your order, or who arrive late, will need to purchase their own admission to enter the Zoo. All chaperones must enter the Zoo at the same time as their group. Late arrivals will be required to pay the full price of admission or use their Zoo memberships. Every school group visiting Denver Zoo must have at least one adult per 10 students, regardless of the students’ ages. Schools who do not bring at least one adult per 10 students will be charged the full price of admission.

    • Reschedule + Cancellation

      Space in our free programs is limited. In order to leave space for others in the school community, please attend the programs for which you register and let us know at least three weeks in advance of any change or cancellation. Moving to another date is contingent upon availability and may incur a nominal administrative fee.

      To cancel or transfer a program, please contact

  • Secret Science Days

    Uncover the secret science behind the care we provide to our 2,500+ animal residents and for wildlife habitats around the world! Spark your students’ interest in science as you explore real-world animal care and conservation challenges in this special discovery day at the Zoo. Following a special Secret Science Day map, students will get an insider’s view of the Zoo—learning some of the unique ways our animal care specialists, veterinarians, nutritionists, trainers, habitat designers and conservationists meet the needs of our wild family, here and abroad.

    Our staff and volunteers will help your students uncover the inner workings of the Zoo, encourage them to make observations at exhibits, discuss ideas with their peers and share what they’ve learned. The more they engage, the more they discover—including tips on where to see exciting demonstrations, interact with zoo experts and meet live animals up close!


    Secret Science Days are offered on a limited number of dates each school year.

    Thursday, September 26th  2024
    Wednesday, October 9th 2024
    Friday, November 8th 2024
    Wednesday, February 19th 2025 Rescheduled for February 28
    Thursday, March 13th 2025 spots available!
    Tuesday, April 8th  2025 sold out

    Students explore at their own pace. Secret Science Day activities are available from 10 a.m.–1:00 p.m.

    FREE! All 2024 Secret Science Day programs are free to schools, made possible through generous donations to our Access to Awe Scholarship Fund.

    Click the button below to register for this program and review current availability. When prompted to login, please create a DZCA account using your school email address. This should be separate from other affiliations you may have with DZCA.

    Most programs close 7–14 days prior to the event date.


    To apply for financial assistance for transportation, click here.

    We are grateful to our Secret Science Days sponsor, Delta Dental.

    • Programming

      Students explore at their own pace. Secret Science Day activities are available from 10:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m. Check-in occurs from 9:30 a.m.–10:30 a.m. Students may receive a small reward for participating by visiting our prize table from 11:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m. Registration is required to participate in Secret Science Day and includes Zoo admission.

    • Chaperones

      All chaperones who are included with your initial registration and enter with your group are free, thanks to generous support from donors to our Access to Awe fund. Chaperones who are not included in your order, or who arrive late, will need to purchase their own admission to enter the Zoo. All chaperones must enter the Zoo at the same time as their group. Late arrivals will be required to pay the full price of admission or use their Zoo memberships. Every school group visiting Denver Zoo must have at least one adult per 10 students, regardless of the students’ ages. Schools who do not bring at least one adult per 10 students will be charged the full price of admission.

    • Reschedule + Cancelation

      Space in our free programs is limited. In order to leave space for others in the school community, please attend the programs for which you register and let us know at least three weeks in advance of any change or cancelation. Moving to another date is contingent upon availability and may incur a nominal administrative fee.

      To cancel or transfer a program, please contact

  • Self-Guided Field Trips

    We are thrilled to offer self-guided field trips for eligible schools and groups! To provide the best experience for all, reservations (and associated bus parking spots) are limited. Reservations are first-come, first-served and book up quickly.

    Dates and Times are now available for the 2024-25 school year, click the “register now” button below to see up to date availability

    FREE to school groups only on most days in the traditional academic school year. Community and youth-serving organizations should contact for more information

    To qualify for free or discounted entry, you must be (1) an accredited institution, (2) following an academic curriculum, and (3) be accompanied by a teacher or institutional staff.

    Click the button below to register for a field trip. When prompted to login, please create a DZCA account using your school email address. This should be separate from other affiliations you may have with DZCA.

    Select the date you’d like to visit. All available dates are shown—no exceptions.

    Select the number of guests, including students, school staff members and chaperones.

    Provide your school’s information and field trip emergency contact. We also ask that you include the number of buses you’ll be using so we can plan accordingly. Please note that parking is available on a first-come, first-served basis in the East Lot and is not guaranteed.

    Once your reservation is processed, you’ll receive an order confirmation email. You’ll also receive more information about your day at the Zoo one week and one day before your visit, so keep an eye out for useful planning tips!

    Need help with transportation? Charter bus rentals for school field trips are available through a variety of providers, including GOGO Charters.


    All funding for bus reimbursement for self-guided field trips has been disbursed for the 2024-25 school year.

    • Chaperones
      • Chaperones must be 21 years of age or older.
      • Chaperones must stay with their assigned group at all times.
      • One adult per 10 students is REQUIRED for all groups (ECE through Grade 12).
      • Adults bringing younger siblings are welcome but may NOT be counted as chaperones.
    • Members Welcome!

      Members wishing to chaperone a school field trip can also make a separate reservation using their membership if they’d like.

    • Reschedule + Cancellation

      To cancel or reschedule, please contact at least three weeks prior to your scheduled visit.

  • Summer Self-Guided Field Trips

    We are thrilled to offer self-guided field trips for eligible schools and groups! To provide the best experience for all, reservations (and associated bus parking spots) are limited. Reservations are first-come, first-served and book up quickly.

    Monday through Thursday
    June 2, 2025-August 7, 2025
    10:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. timeslots are available

    $19 per person, including all staff, chaperones and children.

    To qualify for free or discounted entry, you must be (1) an accredited daycare, camp program, or youth-serving organization and (2) be accompanied by institutional staff.

    Click the button below to register for a field trip. When prompted to login, please create a DZCA account using the email address associated with your organization. This should be separate from other affiliations you may have with DZCA.

    Select the date you’d like to visit. All available dates are shown—no exceptions.

    Select the number of guests, including children, staff members and chaperones.

    Provide your organization’s information and field trip emergency contact. We also ask that you include the number of buses you’ll be using so we can plan accordingly. Please note that parking is available on a first-come, first-served basis in the East Lot and is not guaranteed.

    Once your reservation is processed, you’ll receive an order confirmation email. You’ll also receive more information about your day at the Zoo one week and one day before your visit, so keep an eye out for useful planning tips!


    Not available for summer self-guided field trips.

    • Chaperones
      • Chaperones must be 21 years of age or older.
      • Chaperones must stay with their assigned group at all times.
      • One adult per 10 students is REQUIRED for all groups (ECE through Grade 12).
      • Adults bringing younger siblings are welcome but may NOT be counted as chaperones.
    • Members Welcome!

      Members wishing to chaperone a school field trip can also make a separate reservation using their membership if they’d like.

    • Reschedule + Cancellation

      To cancel or reschedule, please contact at least three weeks prior to your scheduled visit.