This American Life

Sean Cole, of This American Life, speaks to Washington Post reporter Siobhan O’Grady about her visit to the zoo in Kyiv.

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Donate Now to Help Ukrainian Zoos

As a member of the World Association of Zoos and Aquariums (WAZA) council (Board) , Denver Zoo has been informed that our colleagues in Ukrainian zoos are caring for their animals under extremely dangerous and difficult conditions. Zoo leaders in countries bordering Ukraine are helping to provide food for the animals, transport and evacuation whenever possible, veterinary care and support to the teams caring for the animals. With this unstable and horrific situation in Ukraine, we are committed to providing financial support to Ukraine zoos and their regional partner zoos.

If you would like to support this effort, please donate to Denver Zoo’s Emergency Wildlife Fund which provides funding for wildlife in crisis. We are working closely with WAZA and European Association of Zoos and Aquaria (EAZA) to ensure the funds raised will go where they are most needed. Please donate by filling out the form below.

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