Become an Apex Gifter
Introducing the Denver Zoo Conservation Alliance Gift Membership
We’ve all heard the phrase apex predator: the amazing animals at the top of the food chain. Now, with the gift of membership, you can become an apex GIFTER—sharing the wonders of wildlife every day of the year! Whether your recipient is a friend, family member, client, vendor or another relation, you’re about to give the grrreatest gift possible. See below for details!
When you purchase a Denver Zoo Conservation Alliance Gift Membership, we’ll send your recipient a premium digital or mail package (+$5) detailing all the benefits of membership and making it EASY to start enjoying them right away! Upon checkout, you’ll be able to personalize your gift to the occasion your recipient is celebrating—from special birthdays to weddings to new homes and beyond!
- Where can I purchase a gifted membership?
Gift memberships can be purchased here! Whether your recipient is a friend, family member, client, vendor or another relation, you can share the wonders of wildlife and support our conservation efforts in Colorado and worldwide. Choose the delivery option that works best for you—from a ready-to-go digital certificate or our premium mailed gift package ($5) with options for every occasion.
- How do recipients activate their gifted membership?
Your gifted membership begins as soon as the recipient activates their new membership online, over the phone or in person.
- How long are gifted memberships valid?
Your recipient’s membership is valid for one year from the date of activation.
- Can I gift a membership to an existing DZCA member?
Yes! Your recipient can use their new gifted membership to renew their current membership!
- I need to gift a membership right away! What should I do?
For expedited service, simply select the digital or pick-up in-person options. We can send out digital gifts or we can have in-person pickup ready within 48 hours.
- What if my recipient wants to change to a different membership level?
Recipients can always upgrade to another DZCA membership level and pay the difference. Email us at or call 720-337-1400 between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. daily.