
Become an Apex Gifter

Introducing the Denver Zoo Gift Membership

We’ve all heard the phrase apex predator: the amazing animals at the top of the food chain. Now, with a Denver Zoo Gift Membership, you can become an apex GIFTER—sharing the wonders of wildlife every day of the year! Whether your recipient is a friend, family member, client, vendor or another relation, you’re about to give the grrreatest gift possible. See below for details!

Open Their Eyes to a Whole New World.

When you purchase a Denver Zoo Gift Membership, we’ll send your recipient a premium digital or mail package (+$5) detailing all the benefits of membership and making it EASY to start enjoying them right away! Upon checkout, you'll be able to personalize your gift to the occasion your recipient is celebrating—from special birthdays to weddings to new homes and beyond!

The Wildest Way to Celebrate ANY Person or Occasion.

New parents or grandparents? Check. Congrats on your new Denver home? Check. Choose the customized gift package that suits your recipient’s unique needs—or select our generic version, designed to suit ANY need! 

Every Membership Supports Our Mission.

ALL Denver Zoo memberships, including gifts like yours, support our mission of Inspiring Communities to Save Wildlife for Future Generations. Learn more about our work to protect wild animals and wild places below!