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Our animal care staff provides vital care for our nearly 3,000 animal residents. We’re here to keep you informed, entertained and engaged with videos, wildlife-themed activity ideas and much more!
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Zoo to You Virtual Safari: Patagonian Cavy
DZTV | May 29th, 2020 | 1 PM MT
Trust us, your view on rodents will change after learning about Lionel the cavy and all his awesome adaptations!
See more DZTV videos!
Mountains to Oceans Nature Play
Family Fun | June 8th, 2020 | 8 AM MT
Our rivers here in Colorado take a winding journey all the way to the ocean! Recreate this journey in your own backyard.
To do this all you need is a shovel (or a stick) and a jug of water. Make sure you are wearing clothes you don’t mind getting muddy. Use your shovel and hands to create a ‘river’ on a slope. The highest point of your maze will be the Rocky Mountains, and you can even dig a hole at the end of the maze to make the ‘ocean’. Next, use the jug of water to make it ‘rain’ on the mountains. Watch the water run through the maze- what do you notice? If it does not work the first time, that is OK! Take a look, what do you think is happening? Make some adjustments and try again.
Ask yourself some more questions:
- What do you notice?
- What does watching the water make you wonder?
- Where does the water go when the soil sucks it up?
- What else does water carry or pick up, on its way to the ocean?
See more Family Fun ideas!
Chalk art messages
Family Fun | June 8th, 2020 | 8 AM MT
There are many actions that each of us can take to help the health of our oceans. We can shop for sustainable seafood, reduce our waste, and pick up litter; to name a few. By creating a chalk art message you can encourage your neighbors to do more to help our oceans by committing to a conservation action!
Chalk art is a lot of fun. To make your best sidewalk statement here are a few tips:
- Think about your message! What can you write/draw to get make that message impactful?
- Before you put chalk to sidewalk, try sketching it out on paper first.
- Go big! Sidewalks and driveways have a lot of space; go big to make a big impact.
- Use your colors, lots of colors and contrasts will make your message shine!
Have fun and spread the word of ocean conservation!
See more Family Fun ideas!
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THE LATEST CollapseEndangered Species Day!
Family Fun | May 15th, 2020 | 10 AM MT
We can do so much to support animals, even from our own homes. What will you do? Make a plan to join us in supporting endangered species!
Research an endangered species of your choice (Denver Zoo’s Animal Facts website is a good place to start).
- What do you think is unique about the animal?
- What challenges is the species facing? Why do you think that is?
- How can you help?
Write a short story, essay or poem or draw a picture explaining your plan to help save the endangered species. Take a photo of your pledge and post it to social media using #EndangeredSpeciesWeek.
See more Family Fun ideas!
MORE FUN STUFF! ExpandConnecting To/Respecting Nature
Family Fun | May 14th, 2020 | 10 AM MT
Whether you live in an apartment in the middle of the city, in a house with a backyard, or in the middle of a forest, the ability to observe, marvel and wonder at nature is just beyond the walls of your home.
Nature is all around and an important aspect to all of our lives. The sun provides light and warmth, the clouds moisture, and the trees air, as well as food and homes for animals. Research also shows that nature may calm anxiety, reduce stress, and give our minds and bodies a reboot. Connecting to nature is particularly important in these challenging times.
Getting outside, even for just a few moments, can help you feel connected to the world, adjust your mindset, and can help you feel more at ease as we negotiate our new normal. Connecting with nature is simple and can be done anywhere, at any time, and as often as you like or need.
Join us! – Connect with nature!
- Find a space outside: a balcony, yard, park, or grassy knoll outside your building will work well.
- Sit silently and start making observations using all of your senses.
- What do you see?: Can you see animals? Can you see a tree? What about the sky and clouds?
- What do you hear?: Maybe you hear traffic. If you listen closely, can you hear anything else? Maybe the breeze as it blows past your ears, or rustles through the trees. Can you hear birds or other animals? Perhaps a stream or even kids playing.
- What do you smell?: Do you have flowers nearby? Or a neighbor barbecuing?
- What do you feel?: What are you sitting on? How does it feel? Can you feel the sun’s warm rays on your face? Or the breeze on your arms?
- Take a few deep breaths and let the outside world ground you and relax you.
- Try documenting your experience: If you have time, write your observations and feelings in a nature journal, write a poem or draw a picture.
- Then do it again!: Remember, nature is always there waiting for you, rain or shine!
Responsible Pet Ownership
Family Fun | May 13th, 2020 | 10 AM MT
Pets provide companionship and give you something to care for; both are found to bring joy to pet owners. But owning a pet is a great responsibility, too. Can you provide a great home for an animal? Do your research! Join us in making responsible pet ownership decisions.
For an any animal to be happy and healthy they need:
- Food
- Water
- Shelter
- Exercise
- Lots of love and care
These essential things are different for each animal. At Denver Zoo, Tatu the lion is a carnivore and eats meat while Mahali the hippo requires a large pool to wade in. Being able to meet these needs is essential – but could not possible without the care and space that Denver Zoo provides. You can use this guide to help determine what animal is right for you and your family.
Can you provide an environment where your pet can thrive? Want to learn more about animals and their care needs? Head over to our virtual animal demos where some of our staff’s pets become the stars.
Family Fun | May 12th, 2020 | 10 AM MT
The majority of fruits and vegetables need help from pollinators to grow. Without pollinators like bees, butterflies, and humming birds, we couldn’t enjoy apples, strawberries or watermelons and it’d be much harder to find cucumbers, squash, or tomatoes.
Sadly, habitat loss and pesticides are endangering pollinators. But you can help! Join us in saving pollinators by planting a garden of your own. Here’s what you need:
- Space: A small patch of earth, slab of concrete, or balcony to grow your garden.
- Container: Use pot or box from a store or you can make your own out of recycled materials like an empty milk carton.
- Seeds: Native and non-invasive plants are best for local pollinators. In Colorado, some of these plants include sunflowers, pansies, marigolds, and clover.
- Soil
- Water
- Sun
Go the extra mile for pollinators by providing sources of water just for them! A small dish with rocks or pebbles on the bottom allows these essential creatures places to land and drink comfortably.
Palm Oil
Family Fun | May 11th, 2020 | 10 AM MT
Ever wonder what you can do to help endangered species? Join us in shopping for sustainable products to help protect endangered species!
Many products are harvested in areas where endangered animals live. Being aware and purchasing more sustainable options can slow down the destruction and eventual loss of those habitats.
One such product is palm oil, found in items like food, bath products, and cosmetics. Rainforests around the world are being destroyed to plant, grow and harvest this crop – greatly impacting animals like orangutans in Borneo and Sumatra.
Because it is so widely used, it’s difficult to avoid palm oil completely. But don’t give up! Instead, support endangered species by purchasing products made with sustainable palm oil – regulated by the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO).
How can you ensure that the products you buy are RSPO-certified? Easy! There’s an app for that!
With a simple scan, the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo’s Sustainable Palm Oil Shopping app tells you whether or not the item you scanned is RSPO-certified. Download the app, shop sustainable products, and save endangered species!
Want to show off your support to your friends? Add an “I Love Orangutans” frame to your Facebook or Instagram photo.
Nature Walk Bingo
Family Fun | May 7th, 2020 | 1 PM MT
Children learn about their environment by exploring it! Help your little ones explore the world with a game of Nature Walk Bingo. Download the cards with pictures or without.
Can you be the first to find all the items in a row, column, or diagonal?
DIY Frozen Treats
Family Fun | May 4th, 2020 | 4 PM MT
Just like us, Denver Zoo animals like to cool off with frozen treats! Created by the Zoo’s Nutrition Team, the chilly snacks are tailored to an animal’s specific dietary needs. Not only do they taste good but they make great enrichment, too!
Some predators get bones frozen in a large cube of ice. And others, like Tundra the grizzly bear, enjoys custom popsicles in either salmon or blood flavors – her favorites!
Imagine you’re an animal nutritionist and need to make a frozen treat for your favorite animal. What ingredients and flavors would you use?
Try It! – Make yourself a healthy frozen treat. In a small plastic cup or ice tray, add fruit (sliced berries work well!) to your favorite juice or coconut milk. Add a popsicle stick if you’d like. Freeze your concoctions then enjoy!
Webbed Feet Experiment
Family Fun | May 1st, 2020 | 2 PM MT

Possibly the most obvious and striking adaptation of fishing cats compared to other cats is the webbing between their toes. Why would fishing cat have webbed paws? Let’s experiment!
- Plastic sandwich bag
- Rubber band or string
- Small tub of water
- Small floating toy
- Put the floating toy in the tub of water.
- Place your hand in the tub of water behind the toy; spread your fingers apart and move your hand slowly back and forth.
Now try it with a “webbed” hand:
- Place the plastic sandwich bag over one of your hands; secure the bag loosely at the wrist with the rubber band or string.
- Place your wrapped hand in the tub of water behind the toy; spread your fingers apart in the bag and move your hand slowly back and forth.
- What impact did the plastic bag have? Are the waves bigger or smaller when made with the “webbed” hand?
- Which hand, “webbed” or “non-webbed” moved the toy farther?
- Did the waves sound different with the “webbed” hand; louder or softer? Why?
Webbed paws and feet work similar to the hand in the plastic bag – pushing more water with each stroke creating more force. So a fishing cat’s webbed paws help them be strong swimmers and swim and dive for their prey. What other animals do you know that have webbed feet or paws to help them swim?
DIY: Nature Scavenger Hunt
Family Fun | April 27th, 2020 | 12 PM MT
Turn your daily walk into a scavenger hunt!
First, make some guesses. What animals and objects do you think you’ll see? Make a list (ex. dog, daffodil, gray rock, blue jay) on a piece of paper then go exploring! As you stroll, use your eyes to observe the world, looking for and counting each item on your list as you go. For a competitive edge, see who can find the most items or work as a team!
Pro Tip: Spot some surprises as you go? iNaturalist is a helpful app for identifying “new to you” plants, animals, and insects.Say It Like You Mean It
Family Fun | April 23rd, 2020 | 12 PM MT
Ring-Tailed lemurs communicate with vocalizations and scent markings. They are one of the most vocal primates with at least 15 different vocalizations. This adaptation helps a troop of lemurs survive, can be used to warn others of aerial or terrestrial predators and to gather the members of the troop together.
Human groups will vocalize to communicate, too, but, unlike ring-tailed lemurs, we rely on more than 15 vocalizations. In fact, the Oxford English Dictionary lists 470,000 words alone! That’s a lot of words to express ourselves, our feelings and our needs.
Say it like you mean it – vocalize!
What do you say when you’re…
- Happy
- Sad
- Angry
- Surprised
- Scared
- Frustrated
- Excited
Family Fun | April 20th, 2020 | 5 PM MT
Practice your observation skills with a game of I Spy.
I spy is a guessing game where one player chooses an object within sight and announces to the other players that “I spy with my little eye, something _____.” The blank is filled in with any adjective. It is up to the opposite player(s) to guess what it is the first player spies. Then you switch.
What do you spy? Can you spy something yellow? Can you spy something that starts with the letter E? Can you spy something with a tail?Good Night Zoo
Family Fun | April 15th, 2020 | 2 PM MT
The sun may set, but the caring continues! Hear for yourselves! Denver Zoo’s Night Keeper, Disa Skaff, tells the ultimate bed time story on This American Life’s The Elephant in the Bedroom.Go on a Bear Safari!
Family Fun | April 13th, 2020 | 4 PM MT
You may not be able to visit our resident grizzly bear, Tundra, at the moment but there are still bears to be seen-and closer than you might think!People all over the country are doing their part to add a little fun to an afternoon stroll by adding teddy bears to their windows.
How many bears do you see? Make observations – What’s different about the bears? Maybe they differ by color or size? Can you find a brown teddy bear that look like Tundra?
Boost Your Emu’d
Family Fun | April 10th, 2020 | 11 AM MT
If you’re lucky enough to have met Ralph the emu in person, you already know that he’s quite a character. Known for his curiosity, Ralph loves to approach the edge of the home he shares with our red kangaroos to check out his human visitors! So, while you are temporarily deprived of his stunning golden gaze (and vice versa), we’ve come up with three fun activities to lift everyone’s spirits. Let’s do this!
Family Fun | April 8th, 2020 | 11 AM MT
Hyenas and African painted wild dogs are olfactory predators; animals that find their prey through smell. Put your nose to the test!
Adults, collect opaque plastic containers (like those used for frosting or margerine) and poke a few small holes in the lids. Place a different fragrant item like a flower, spice, or essential oil in each and pop the lids on top.
What does the nose really know? Have your kiddo sniff, sniff, and guess the scent! Can they match the scent to the item?Meet a Keeper: Animal Trainer Interview
Family Fun | April 7th, 2020 | 9AM MT
Training is an important part of caring for animals. At Denver Zoo, animals are trained to ensure their health and safety and to keep their brains active. It’s a big job! Lucky for us, we have Animal Trainers like Lora! Read about Lora and the work she does at Denver Zoo.
Have you ever trained a pet? Then you’re an animal trainer, too! Show us what your pet can do. Snap a picture of your pet doing a trained behavior and share it with us.
Do a Backyard Bird Count!
Family Fun | April 6th, 2020 | 9AM MT
Go outside in your neighborhood. Pick a spot, and close your eyes. What do you hear? Are there birds around? Walk to a new spot, close your eyes, and listen. Anything? Spin in a circle and then FREEZE! Open your eyes, and look around you.
- How many birds can you see? Write down the count, and try it again in a new spot.
- Where do you find the most birds?
- How many different kinds?
Veterinary Medicine – Stuffed Animal Checkup
Family Fun | March 31st, 2020 | 1 PM MT
Your favorite stuffed animal is due for a check-up; be the vet! Can you take care of your pal just like the expert veterinarians at Denver Zoo?
Be sure to check their temperature, weight, body condition, and teeth. Don’t forget to give them their vitamins!
Stretch It Out
Family Fun | March 31st, 2020 | 1 PM MT
At times, our older animal residents need additional care and support. If an injury or arthritis is present, they may receive physical therapy, special exercises, massages, or even acupuncture. See for yourself! Join us LIVE, as we help Joe, the 15-year-old kudo, strengthen his muscles with specialized stretches.
Now you try – stretch it out! Stretching keeps muscles flexible, strong, and healthy. Get up and stretch!
• Toe Touches: bend over and touch your toes.• Reach for the Stars: raise your arms high above your head.
• Trunk Twists: twist your body from side to side.
Physical Distancing with Llamas
Family Fun | March 30th, 2020 | 1 PM MT
Have you gotten your steps in today? Exercise is important for humans and animals alike. Zookeepers are creative in designing safe ways for animals to exercise. For our llamas, walking around the zoo is not only a workout but, as an Ambassador Animal, it also gives our guests the opportunity to learn about ’em up close….but not too close!
These days, we’re all practicing physical distancing; the recommendation to keep at least 6 feet apart from one another. How far is 6 ft? About the length of a llama! We wonder what else can be used as a social distancing tool.
Grab a ruler of measuring tape and find 3 objects, people, or animals in your house that are also 6 feet long.
Giraffe Yoga
Family Fun | March 23rd, 2020 | 1 PM MT
Who’s ready for Giraffe Yoga? Try these 2 graceful moves and become a Giraffe Yoga Master!
- Tall pose: Stand with you feet firm, and stretch as tall as you can, arms above like the long neck of a giraffe. Pluck leaves off the highest branch of the tree with your fingers.
- Drinking pose: put hands on the floor and spread your hands and feet as wide as you can, bending your face down to the ground without touching your body to the floor. Slurp gently like a giraffe! Now make up your own giraffe yoga pose and send us a pic!
Baby Rhino Habitat Challenge
Family Fun | March 20th, 2020 | 2 PM MT
Denver Zoo had to make our baby rhino’s habitat safe for her. What if you had to baby rhino-proof your bedroom?
For this design challenge, use a cardboard box or piece of paper to make a model of your room, and what you would have to change to make it safe for a baby rhino! Do you have any rhino toys?
We’d love a video of you describing your rhino room! Send them to socialmedia@denverzoo.org.
How to Calm Your Child’s Coronavirus Anxiety
Most parents are appropriately concerned with keeping their families safe from the new coronavirus (COVID-19) and preventing its spread.
Learn More [VIDEO-POPUP] [VIDEO-POPUP]20 Nature Play Ideas
We’re ALL ready a bit of good news these days, so here it is: one of the healthiest things you can do for your family right now is to simply GO OUTSIDE. In addition to being one of the few remaining CDC-approved activities that involve fresh air, nature play has been proven to have powerful benefits for both bodies and brains-not just for kids, but for parents, too!
Learn MoreConservation Corner
Become a citizen scientist and save wildlife from the comfort of your own home! Click below to take part in our Colorado Corridors Project by identifying local wildlife in photos captured by remote cameras along I-70, then check out Zooniverse to see what other projects you can help with!
Zooniverse [VIDEO-POPUP]Your Membership Helps Us Care for Animals
As a non-profit organization, we rely on the support of our members to care for our 3,000 wild and wonderful animals-especially during this unexpected hiatus. Become a member today to become an important part of our support system. You won’t miss a single day of benefits; your membership will automatically start when Denver Zoo reopens.
Become a member